Saturday, October 23, 2004

2 New CDs....highly recommended

I was in a dry music phase for a while....but fortunately in the last 2 weeks I've been enjoying 2 REALLY exceptionally fabulous CDs. I know no one reads my blog, but I feel the need to say this anyway!

Share the Well - Caedmon's Call - I always buy their CDs on release day. They never disappoint, but with this album they've done something really cool. The band wrote and recorded this in India, Ecuador, and Brazil. To read more about the concept, see their website. I have thought about writing a full review sometime - but will just say that my current favorite songs are: "Mother India," "Wings of the Morning," "Dalit Hymn," and "Bombay Rain." If I get to see them in concert on Nov. 5th I will be SUPER excited.

Behold the Lamb of God - Andrew Peterson (His Christmas Album) - I bought this without hearing any of it because I'd heard so much about the project, and I know I like Andrew Peterson's writing and musical style. What's great about this is it's the whole story of Christ's coming chronologically, but done in a very fresh way. I've been playing it non-stop in my office since I got it last Monday. If I had more money, I would buy 20 copies and give them to lots of people - because I think lots of people would like it and it's THAT good. Too many Christmas albums are weird covers of carols and then a few random original songs. I'll definitely be adding this album to my all time favorite Christmas albums. I just hope I'm not tired of it by December! I'll also link to AP's page in case anyone's interested.

(By the way - I just got Wifi in my apartment, so from now on I should be able to post from somewhere OTHER than Panera!)

Saturday, October 02, 2004

And I like to go to Boston in the fall

Fall is by far my favorite season. I love everything about it...the weather, the leaves, the colors, the smells, the food, Illinois football games, fall retreats, etc. etc. This week is the first time it's really felt like fall, and I am soaking it in! I've been driving with my windows down, having Chai ('cause it tastes like pumpkin), and trying to figure out when I can go to some type of fall festival.

About a year ago, Melissa and I went to Boston - and I've been thinking about it a lot recently. It was only for a long weekend - but we both decided it was one of our favorite places. Here in Springfield, our sense of history is pretty contained to a few places Abe Lincoln used to hang out. In Boston, you can walk around the Old North end, and you feel like you've traveled back in time. You can be downtown, yet see buildings that are older than the Declaration of Independence. I don't know that I'll ever live outside of central Illinois (and don't get me wrong - it has served me well for 23-ish years), but if I did, I want to be close to Boston.

Melissa at Harvard Posted by Hello

I know it's sideways, but I'm still learning :) Posted by Hello