Sunday, May 10, 2009


We're using a prayer in our services today (in part to celebrate Mother's Day) - and because we're using it, I've been pondering it quite a bit. It's a prayer that sits on my bulletin board at work, so I see it regularly.

I don't always reflect it - but I do believe in living life with purpose and intentionality. My life has been immeasurably blessed by women (both my mom & grandmothers - but also countless women at church, teachers, mentors, and friends) who have chosen to love unselfishly (which is actually redundant). They are examples to me of voices that speak against lies and rebel against the status quo. I am grateful for them - and want to make my life count - to the glory of God.

Dear God,
please make us dangerous women.
May we be women who acknowledge our power
to change, and grow, and be radically alive for God.
May we be healers of wounds and righters of wrongs.
May we weep with those who weep and
speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
May we cherish children, embrace the elderly,
and empower the poor.
May we pray deeply and teach wisely.
May we be strong ang dentle leaders.
May we sing songs of joy and talk down fear.
May we never hesitate to let passion push us,
conviction compel us, and righteous anger energize us.
May we strike fear into all that is unjust and evil in the world.
May we dismantle abusive systems and
silence lies with truth.
May we shine like stars in a darkened generation.
May we overflowe with goodness in the name of God
and by the power of Jesus.
And in that name and by that power,
may we change the world.
Dear God, please make us dangerous women.

-Lynne Hybels, "Nice Girls Don't Change the World

1 comment:

Kent Sanders said...

Bethany, that's a neat prayer. Interesting to see how we both contributed to Mother's Day at our different locations. :) I remember buying the Lynne Hybels book a few years ago for my wife, and reading it before giving it to her. I was impacted by it myself.