Monday, November 05, 2007

A Combination of Intended Posts

I keep meaning to blog. Honest. I just haven't gotten around to it. So, here is the Cliff Notes version of the things that I've been meaning to blog about.
  • My best friend Melissa (and her husband Chris) are on a trip to Africa. I miss them a lot. I'm excited to hear more about their trip since they're visiting the neighborhood in Kenya that our church is involved with through CMF. They've really wanted to take a trip like this for a while, so I'm glad they're getting to do it. I'm only moderately jealous of their travel (which is an improvementfor me). Also, I miss them (well, mostly Melissa...sorry Chris).

  • Melissa got me a book for my birthday to keep me company. It's "The Year of Living Biblically" by AJ Jacobs. (If you're not familiar, it's the journey of a guy who tries to live the Bible as literally as possible for one year; he's not religious, but he is very funny.) I've been reading it like it's Harry Potter. It's very funny...and thoughtful about spirituality at the same time. I wish my blog could have his sense of humor.
  • It should be no surprise, but I have been LOVING the weather lately. Fall is nice because I'm happy if it's sunny, and I'm happy if it's raining. A few weekends ago, I had a glorious trip to Indiana for the Covered Bridge Festival where I was introduced to persimmon pudding. I have heard about this dessert quite a bit, and I was rather skeptical. (It doesn't sound good for some reason.) Fortunately, I thought it was awesome.

  • The book of Habakkuk is really great. I've read it several times over the last few weeks, and if you're not familiar with it I recommend it.

  • I've been trying to plan Christmas worship services lately - it's a good thing I don't mind listening to Christmas music all year long!

Okay...I think I'm caught up for now. I'll share a picture - and then I'm out.


Bethany said...

YES!!! Persimmon Pudding is the bomb!!!

ps I think you are super cute!

Kara said...

I'll jump on Bethany's P.S. :)

And that book looks quite interesting. Does it have pictures? My newest Relevant has a story by the author and it has pictures of him as the year progresses and he gets scruffier and scruffier. Remind me to get it out for you.